Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy – June/July 2022

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What's in June-July’s Wargames Soldiers & Strategy Issue? Theme: Germany's 1940 lightning war • Guy Bowers, 'Germany's innovative war of manoeuvre - Bewegungskrieg'. • Joe Bilton, 'French armoured attacks on the German bridgehead - De Gaulle at Abbeville, 1940'. • Joe Bilton, 'Counterattacks along the Ypres-Comines Canal - Mind the gap'. • Nick Skinner, 'A tactical challenge set in 1940s Belgium - A fighting withdrawal'. • Guy Bowers, 'The Allies of 1940 in miniature - The Entente Cordiale'. • Neil Burt, 'German armour charges into France - Panzer, Vor!'. Features • Mark Backhouse, 'The Roman and Seleucids at Thermopylae, 191 BC - Return to the Hot Gates'. • Stuart Mulligan & Oli Green, 'Wargaming scenarios for the Early Tudor Wars - Gaming on the margins'. • Gary Wills, 'The Battle of Villamuriel, 25 October 1812 - Wellington at bay'. • Tony Harwood, 'More scatter terrain for the wargames table - All together now'. • Barry Evans, 'Painting French from Epic Battles: Waterloo - Napoleonics are epic'. Departments • Miniature reviews • Richard Clarke, 'Up front - Opportunity or choice'. • Andy Copestake, 'The Irregular - Let history be your guide'. • David Davies, 'The latest, greatest 2000 AD game from Warlord - Let's play Sláine'. • Rossco Watkins, 'Fast, ultramodern wargaming with a dystopian twist - Let's play Black Powder Red Earth'. • Eoghan Kelly, Chris King, and Gareth Lane, 'Game reviews - Soldiers of Napoleon, DAK Attack, and Castles in the Sky'. • Book reviews • Parting shots

Wargames Soldiers & Strategy Magazine June-July 2022

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